
Published on:

4th Mar 2025

220. Dr. David McCarty-Caplan: "Adoption Consciousness and Education Through Research"

Dr. David McCarty-Caplan (PhD) is a researcher, educator, writer, and consultant whose professional experience focuses on issues of identity development, support of underserved populations, racial equity, and pursuit of social justice. David was born in Bogota, Colombia but adopted and raised in a white Jewish family in the United States. This lived experience has profoundly shaped his personal and professional interests and he is increasingly involved in work dedicated to adoption consciousness and education, through research on and consulting with organizations, families and individuals working to explore adoption-related issues. He is particularly passionate about helping adoptees and their families navigate race/racism, religious identity, and sense of belonging.

Websites: https://www.davidmccartycaplan.com/_files/ugd/0bdc61_f4e764d3d33e4ebb9f5f215bf0418cb5.pdf


Music by Corey Quinn

Show artwork for Once Upon A Time...In Adopteeland

About the Podcast

Once Upon A Time...In Adopteeland
Adoptees share their perspective about adoption.
Through an audio drama, episodes of thought-provoking conversations and bonus recordings, the listening audience can learn some of the issues that the adoption community face from the perspective of the adoptee.
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Jennifer Dyan Ghoston

Hi, I'm Jennifer who is an adoptee in reunion with both sides of my birth family. I have been formally connected with the adoption community for over a decade and am always interested in hearing the personal stories of adoptees from all over the globe. We all have a "Once upon a time". If you wish to share your story please go to www.jenniferdyanghoston.com