200. Mavka: "An Imposter Among My Own People"
Molly/Mavka is an early 80's Catholic Charities, closed, same-race adoptee. She has been in on-again-off-again reunion with her birth mother for 20 years, and is leisurely navigating reunion inklings with her birth father. Her adopters' choice to estrange themselves from her has offered an often-troubling-but-still-freeing expanse in which to explore her post-placement options, she guesses. In the interest of efficiency, her hobbies are her coping mechanisms and include pitch-black humor, elaborate culinary undertakings, surrendering to the wilderness with little more than a knife and a snack, and giving driving advice to her Instagram followers during her morning commute. Really, she doesn't know who she is, she only knows who she has failed to be for her adopters.
Music by Corey Quinn