
Published on:

3rd Jan 2023

100. Tina: "Healing Together"

Tina is a returning guest.

She is a published poet who shares her wisdom from her lived experience.

Recommended resources: Damon Davis podcast host, https://www.whoamireallypodcast.com/

"Born in June Raised in April" hosted by April Dinwoodie https://aprildinwoodie.com/the-podcast

National Adoptees And Parents (NAAP) https://www.facebook.com/NAAPUnited Untangling Our Roots Summit http://www.untanglingourroots.org/

Adoption Knowledge Affiliates (AKA) https://www.adoptionknowledge.org/

Haley Radke, podcast host https://www.adopteeson.com/ Remembrance Day Episode/October 30, 2022

Anne Heffron, published author https://www.amazon.com/You-Dont-Look-Adopted/dp/B07WFX9744/ref=sr_1_1?crid=4EE130YF8SE3&keywords=you+don%27t+look+adopted&qid=1672235297&sprefix=you+don%27t+look+adopted%2Caps%2C1827&sr=8-1 https://www.anneheffron.com/

10 Foundations For a Meaningful Life (No Matter What's Happened) by Pam Cordon, MFT https://www.amazon.com/Foundations-Meaningful-Matter-Whats-Happened/dp/1982241349/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2IIS8LGRH2QMN&keywords=10+foundations+for+a+meaningful+life+book&qid=1672759939&sprefix=10+foundat%2Caps%2C141&sr=8-1

Julian Washio Collette https://peregrineadoptee.wordpress.com/

Dr. Gabor Mate' https://drgabormate.com/

Paul Sunderland https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PX2Vm18TYwg&t=177s Susan Ito https://www.thesusanito.com/classes

Amanda Medina, the host of "This Adoptee Life" https://thisadopteelife.com/ Gayle H. Swift https://gaylehswift.com/about-gayle-swift/

https://www.jenniferdyanghoston.com/about Podcast host

This episode is dedicated to all the aunts and uncles.

Music by Corey Quinn and Invitational by MDT

Show artwork for Once Upon A Time...In Adopteeland

About the Podcast

Once Upon A Time...In Adopteeland
Adoptees share their perspective about adoption.
Through an audio drama, episodes of thought-provoking conversations and bonus recordings, the listening audience can learn some of the issues that the adoption community face from the perspective of the adoptee.
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Jennifer Dyan Ghoston

Hi, I'm Jennifer who is an adoptee in reunion with both sides of my birth family. I have been formally connected with the adoption community for over a decade and am always interested in hearing the personal stories of adoptees from all over the globe. We all have a "Once upon a time". If you wish to share your story please go to www.jenniferdyanghoston.com